Synovial (Ganglion) Cyst of the Right Wrist
Dr. Bruno Sagastegui Aguilar
- Case name: Synovial (Ganglion) Cyst of the Right Wrist.
- Author's name: Dr. Bruno Sagástegui Aguilar.
- Author's job position: Work center: SONOSCAN Ultrasound Center (Private) and TOMONORTE Diagnostic Imaging Center (Private) Trujillo – PERU.
- Clinical and examination: Male patient, 8 years old, is referred by a pediatrician due to a soft “tumor” on the dorsal aspect of the right wrist, painful to ultrasound pressure. (Image 1 and 2). He says he has had it for 6 months and it has been growing. Background: The patient is a goalkeeper for his school team and has had minor traumas to his hands several times.
- Ultrasound findings: At the level of the dorsal aspect of the right wrist, a complex cystic lesion with slightly thickened walls of 17.7 x 9.8 x 15.2 mm is observed; vol: 1.38 cc (Image 2) with fine hyperechoic linear tracts, which are related to sloughs (Image 2, Videos 1, 2 and 4) and some dense floating echoes (Videos 3 and 5), A slight increase in vascularization is associated with the color Doppler study in the wall and sloughs (Image 2 and Video 6). This is located between extensor compartments III and IV, communicating with the synovial sheath of the aforementioned tendons. (Video 2, 3, 4 and 5). No alterations are shown in the cortex of the carpal bones.
- Diagnosis: The findings are compatible with a Synovial Cyst (Ganglion) of the back of the right wrist with mild inflammatory signs.