III Hybrid MSK Ultrasound Course
Ankle and Foot Injuries
from March 4 to May 16, 2025 in Madrid
Registration fees:
– Online course (4, 11, 18 and 25-03-2025): €484.00
– In-person course (16-05-2025): €393.25
– Ultrasound Accreditation for Podiatrists (05-16-2025): €302.50
5% discount on online and in-person courses
for SEECO partners
Technical Secretariat of the Course: Spanish Society of Ultrasound
Tel.: +34 655 694 698 • secretariatecnica@seeco.es
Registration through:
• Online and In-Person Course: http://grafismoautoedicion.com/07-FormularioMSKTobilloPie.html
• Podiatrist Accreditation: http://grafismoautoedicion.com/07-FormularioAcreditacionPodologos.html
Note: The implementation of this course is subject to a minimum demand of 20 attendees.
Limited places. A certificate of attendance will be issued for the Course endorsed by SEECO (member of EFSUMB) of 14:00 hours of theoretical-practical training.